Eating in the morning

As most of the adults, I have a job that requires me to wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning and this is not an easy task to do every day but I’d like to believe I am a morning person and I enjoy getting off my bed at this time. In the past year I tried to develop a habit of waking up early in the morning even if I’m going to sleep at small hours. Waking up in the morning is not a hard thing to do if you have something on your mind and if you want to accomplish a lot of things each day.

The doctor recommends that the first thing to do in the morning and which is very good for your health, is to eat your breakfast just after you wake up because this is giving you the energy for the first part of the day. Since I have so little time to prepare myself for the day, I can’t make my breakfast at home. In spite of this, after I walk for about 40 minutes until I get near to my workplace, I stop to a local shop called Mega Image and buy some sandwiches, croissants, fruits or anything else that will make a great breakfast.

Sometimes the sandwich that I want is not yet prepared and I have to wait for a few minutes until it is ready but I have to do this in order to be able to work till the noon. I observed I don’t have the energy to do anything if I don’t have a full stomach. A while ago, I suppose, the Mega Image shop tested the idea of preparing a quick breakfast for people who work in office buildings next to them. I observed that each day there were more and more people buying all kind of sandwiches and if the desired sandwich was not ready they had to wait a few minutes.

Now, probably as it was supposed to happen, the shop opened a new section to their food area which prepares all kind of sandwiches. For me, this is really great! And it is not expensive at all. They have a large area of products at accessible prices for all pockets.

What is your morning habit? Do you eat at home or you just buy something on the go? Are you a coffee lover or you just get along with a cup of hot tea?


One comment

  1. […] first step was to form or adopt a habit of eating in the morning before leaving my house and this is now part of my daily ritual. Before going to Poland and staying […]

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